• Followed up a report into fly tipping on the coast road with the environment section of Clare Co Co
  • Dealt with a number of planning queries
  • Attended a full council workshop on the County Development Plan
  • Attended a Regional Health Forum Meeting where i put the following questions
    1. “Given the struggle many Disability Service Providers are currently having with recruiting staff, leaving many families without this vital support, can the HSE, as an interim measure, allocate this funding directly to the families to facilitate them sourcing and paying for the required support privately.”Attended a Regional Health Forum meeting where i put the following questions to the relevant agencies;
    1. “Can I be provided with an update on the proposed timeline for the delivery of the primary care centre in Kilrush.”
    1. “Can the operational procedures for dispatchers in the National Ambulance Service be amended to ensure an estimated time of arrival by the ambulance to the required location, based on the current real time situation, be included as a matter of form rather than as a response to a request from the caller.”
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