What I did this month


22nd September

  • Attended another full council workshop on the County Development Plan

21st September

  • Second discovery workshop with TAP Creations for the Kilkee Gateway to the Ocean branding
  • Attended the Rural Strategic Policy Committee meeting

20th September

  • Meeting with a homeowner to discuss an environmental issue affecting his property, and resulting follow up discussions with the environmental section of Care Co Co to resolve the issue
  • Discussion with manager of Kilkee waterworld to discuss the current operations up to the end of October

17th September

  • Workshop with TAP Creations to deliver Kilkee; Gateway to the Ocean branding
  • Meeting to discuss a future tourism project on the Loop Head Peninsula

16th September

  • Met a number of constituents to discuss various items of concern for them
  • Attended a West Clare MD workshop to discuss the settlement strategies for West Clare towns and villages

15th September


14th September

  • Chaired a briefing for the West Clare MD on the Corofin Enhancement Plan
  • Meeting to discuss the accounts for Kilkee Waterworld
  • Attended a briefing to funding sub-committee of the Local Community Development Committee about the Social Enterprises Fund 2021

11/12/13th August

  • A busy few days with a large number of discussions with senior staff around environmental and housing issues in West Clare

10th September

  • Attended a meeting with senior staff, board members and others with regards to future plans for the Colaiste Ui Chomhrai in Carrigaholt
  • Spent a few hours reading strategy documents relevant to our County Development Plan and Housing for All….and catching up with the paperwork…

8th September

  • Attended a Housing for All briefing for councillors
  • Attended a Local Community Development Committee funding sub-committee meeting to discuss the allocation of Community Enhancement Program grants
  • Met with a number local constituents to discuss matters concern
  • Clare FM interview about the need for a dedicated helicopter landing pad in Kilkee to service the town, Loop Head Peninsula and wider West Clare area.
  • Spoke with the SEO in Shannon MD about the pump track in Shannon, whether it would be something we could look at here in West Clare, specifically around the costings of building, maintenance and management.

7th September

  • Chaired the September meeting of the West Clare Municipal District
  • Attended a public meeting in Kilmihil to discuss the recent allocation of a council house.

6th September

  • Corporate Policy Group meeting in Council office in Ennis
  • Discussion with the relevant staff members around a number of housing issues

3rd September

  • On site meeting with our Senior Executive Officer to discuss the location and future management of the proposed Failte Ireland funded water sports activity centre in Kilkee
  • A full council workshop to discuss issues around population and housing target allocations in the new County Development Plan.

2nd September

  • Wrote up a submission with regards to a planning application for a large tourism development in Doonbeg. Primary access/egress was through the Dun Na Mara estate which in my view would have seriously injured the capacity of the residents to enjoy the amenity of their homes.
  • A number of on site meetings with local constituents regarding matters of concern for them.
  • Meeting with housing section with regards to new applications for those seeking to get on the local authority housing list

31st August

  • Meeting to discuss the future development of the West Clare Municipal District Sustainable Energy Community
  • Full council workshop on the County Development Plan

27th August

  • Attended the launch in Ennis of a number of developments by Darragh O Brien, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Took the opportunity to bring up the issue of the lack of affordable housing in coastal communities, and the impact of the NPF and RSES on our ability as councillors to create an ambitious county development plan and one that will protect and ensure the survival of rural and coastal settlements

26th August

  • Discussion with local engineer about the provision of toilets at Seafield Beach, Quilty.
  • Chaired a meeting of West Clare MD councillors, senior MD staff and executive to discuss the implications of the proposed population and housing projections on the rural and coastal communities we represent.

24th August

  • Dealt with a number of planning issues
  • Worked on the appointment of a company secretary for Kilkee Waterworld
  • Further work on the issue of low water pressure at Loop Head
  • Attended an online meeting with residents of Dun na Mara in Doonbeg with regards to the planning permission for a large caravan park at the entry to the village

23rd August

  • Meeting with the Visitor Management Consultant working on the Loop Head Lighthouse project

20th August

  • Dealing with low or no water pressure issues at the Loop Head Group Water Scheme. Discussions with affected local residents and with staff within both our own council services and Irish Water

19th August

  • Meeting with Limerick and Clare Local Link to discuss the possibility of amending the route at Loop Head to include the coast road into Kilkee and to discuss the ongoing issue around the new bus stop.

16th August

  • Attended a webinar hosted by Futureproof Clare detailing the impacts the data centre being planned for Ennis would have on the environment

10th August

  • Meeting with members of the Kilkee Currach Club to discuss the design of new stands for their curraghs at Kilkee pier

4th August

  • Meeting in Doolin, along with some of my West Clare MD colleagues, with the consultants who are preparing the Cliffs of Moher 2040 strategy

3rd August

  • Online meeting with John Evoy, general manager of Grow Remote, to discuss the implications of the population allocations and housing projections within the National Planning Framework and Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy on the capacity for remote work to deliver on rural regeneration. Both those documents are overarching principles we must be mindful of when making our own county development plan and as they were created before Covid there is a real danger our CDP will be restricted in its capacity to reap the rewards provided by the growth in remote work

2nd August

  • Attended the official opening of the newly developed course at Kilkee Golf Club

1st August

  • August is traditionally a month where many of the staff in our own local authority and other agencies are on holiday, which means we don’t have any statutory meetings to attend. Our workload in this regard often looks quieter than it is, but councillors are still very busy dealing with individual issues and concerns.

31st July

  • Its been another very busy month with individual representations, over 40 new cases on my CRM system so far in July…again thanks to Cathal Crowe TD and Sen. Timmy Dooley for their support with a few issues that needed to be escalated to the higher ups in the relevant departments..:-)

29th July

  • Clare FM interview discussing the Notice of Motion at the special meeting of the full council to defer the County Development Plan by 7 months.
  • Spent the rest of the day with Minister Heather Humphreys as she visited a number of West Clare projects that were funded though her department of Rural and Community Affairs. 1st up was the Vandaleur Gardens in Kilrush, next was the official opening of the DigiClare hub at the former national school in Cross village and finished up with a visit to the Peoples Park in Kilmihil.

28th July

  • Attended the scheduled Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) meeting in the morning
  • Presented our adjourned motion to a special meeting of the full council asking for a deferment of the County Development Plan for 7 months. The motion was passed overwhelmingly, albeit some members had concerns. This will ensure we have a further 7 months to engage further with the forward planning team and as an aside, presents us with an opportunity to try and address some other substantive issues around housing and population growth and rural decline and depopulation
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