What I did this month


10th November

  • Attended AILG training day dealing with mental health issues and the hang elf supports available for both the public, and ourselves as public representatives.

9th November

  • Chaired the statutory West Clare Municipal District GMA budget meeting
  • Met with local constituents about a range of issues

8th November

  • Dealt with a blocked sewer issue on one of the local estates
  • Organised the making of a new steel Christmas Tree with a local supplier
  • Clare County Council full November council meeting

4th November

  • Constituency meetings with local clients

3rd November

  • Attended a meeting of the Clare Rural Development Forum to discuss the review taking place.

2nd November

  • A West Clare MD workshop in HQ on the County Development Plan to discuss the zoning maps for each settlement
  • Chaired the November meeting of the West Clare MD

1st November

  • Drawing on my tourism experience i made a presentation to the Limerick Kerry Greenway Group
  • Attended our monthly Corporate Policy Group Meeting in HQ

30th October

  • Delighted to have been asked to speak with the 20 young people who had competed their pool lifeguard training in Kilkee Waterworld

29th October

  • Took part in a Zoom meeting with other Kilkee community members looking at the creation of a new brand for Kilkee based around it becoming a best in practice seaside resort with regards to accessibility to the ocean.
  • Meeting with bank regarding funding for the future development of Kilkee Waterworld
  • Meeting in Doonbeg with local residents with regards to car parking issues at Doughmore Beach

28th October

  • As Cathaoirleach of the West Clare Municipal District I was asked to attend the Clare Business Excellence Awards in Glor

26th October

  • Corporate Policy Group meeting to deal with the upcoming budget..this is where we get to see any major issues around having to balance the books for the council and we start to really see what sorts of solutions might be on the able. Like any entity, the council has income and expenditure, and to balance the books, we either have to increase the income or cut the expenditure…. the consequences of either are significant for all the citizens in Clare, so decisions are not taken lightly and its often a case of trying to be fairest across all sectors of our society. It’s impossible to please everyone.

19th October

  • A number of local constituency issue came in by email, around housing, transport and roads so they were dealt with in the morning. Probably the biggest upside of holidays for councillors can be not having to attend statutory meetings… a lot of reading and prep goes into them if they are to be dealt with seriously, so to be honest, when I’m on holiday the break from all that is really welcome.

18th October

  • A worrying environmental water quality issue was brought to my attention so i spoke with etc senior executive engineer about it. Having checked test and the results it was found to be of no consequence.

15th October

  • Even on holidays we get a lot of emails and documents to read so I set aside an hour or so every morning to catch up and make sure constituency issues don’t fall by the wayside….working remotely can be very pleasant.

13th October

  • Met with the bank with regards to Kilkee Waterworld
  • Dealt with a number of local issues with our brilliant local area engineer
  • Went on annual leave…:-)

12th October

  • Its my birthday…started with a swim in the sea with our swim group followed by lovely cake and coffee…:-)
  • Followed up on housing issues with the relevant staff members
  • Dealt with a number of local issues raised by constituents

11th October

  • Met with a number of constituents regarding local and personal issues
  • Followed up with the relevant staff in Clare County Council
  • Met with the business owner who is supplying Kilkee Tidy Towns with a new polytunnel
  • Attended a briefing by CCC with regards to Ennis 2040 strategy and the South Care SDZ
  • Attended the full October council meeting

10th October

  • Meeting with a potential new customer for the Elliott Centre to discuss future use as a training centre
  • Took part in the Kilkee Mental Health walk-on Kilkee Beach,  organised by The Lighthouse and supported by Kilkee Waterworld

9th September

  • Meeting in Kilmihil with a local business person interested in developing a number of projects.
  • Helped to fill out local info into forms for the Failte Ireland funded water sports activity centre proposed for Kilkee.

8th October

  • Catching up with paperwork for Kilkee Waterworld, and met with a number of constituents about local issues.

6th October

  • Attended a Local Community Development Committee meeting
  • As chair of the board of Kilkee Waterworld I attended a meeting with the bank regarding funding for future development works

5th October

  • Attended AILG training day for councillors

4th October

  • Attended the October Corporate Policy Group Meeting

1st October

  • Attended the official sod turning to mark the start of construction of the new Liscannor Waste Water Treatment plant

30th September

  • Attended a West Clare MD workshop on the County Development Plan
  • Chaired a special meeting of the West Clare MD

29th September

  • Meeting with the manager of Kilkee Waterworld and the Chief Executive of Clare Co Co to discuss the future plans for the Waterworld, and how the local authority might provide support in their delivery.
  • Officially opened the new Kilkee Fire Station along with Mayor of Clare PJ Ryan, CE of Clare Co Co Pat Dowling and Chief Fire Officer Aiden Kelly
  • An evening meeting with the Kilkee Playground Committee to discuss future plans and funding requirements

28th September

  • Followed up a report into fly tipping on the coast road with the environment section of Clare Co Co
  • Dealt with a number of planning queries
  • Attended a full council workshop on the County Development Plan
  • Attended a Regional Health Forum Meeting where i put the following questions
    1. “Given the struggle many Disability Service Providers are currently having with recruiting staff, leaving many families without this vital support, can the HSE, as an interim measure, allocate this funding directly to the families to facilitate them sourcing and paying for the required support privately.”Attended a Regional Health Forum meeting where i put the following questions to the relevant agencies;
    1. “Can I be provided with an update on the proposed timeline for the delivery of the primary care centre in Kilrush.”
    1. “Can the operational procedures for dispatchers in the National Ambulance Service be amended to ensure an estimated time of arrival by the ambulance to the required location, based on the current real time situation, be included as a matter of form rather than as a response to a request from the caller.”

27th September

  • Held a number of meetings with local constituents, follow up discussion with the relevant departments in Clare Co Co
  • Filled out the funding drawdown paperwork for a number of grants issued to Kilkee Enterprise Development Company and their partners Kilkee Tidy Towns, Smyths Gardens Residents Association, and Kilkee Currach Club

24th September

  • Training webinar on Climate Policy in the Development Plan

23rd September

  • Discussions with the Loop Head Community Garden with regards to funding supports
  • Chaired a West Clare MD workshop on the County Development Plan
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