What I did this month


19th January

  • Dealt with a number of planning issues

18th January

  • Online presentation to the Norwegian Public Committee on destination development and visitor management
  • Chaired the West Clare MD January meeting. Brought a number of motions to the meeting, including that we set up a working group to lead on engagement with off shore wind energy developers, that extra car parking be put in place at Doughmore Beach and that we look into the development of a pilot series of community centric ‘slow roads’ across the MD

17th January

  • Dealt with a number of issues in the Elliott Centre Kilkee.
  • Had a conversation with the SEE in Clare County Council with regards to the roll out of extra EV chargers in Kilkee.
  • Was a guest on The Tourism Space ‘Huddle’

11th January

  • Zoom meeting with the secretariat for the Norwegian government tourism development strategy group
  • Attended an online workshop on Community Virtual Power Plants from the SEAI
  • Discussion with the Cloudforest company with regards to their development at Doonaha 

10th January

  • Met with Cathal Crowe TD and the principal of Kilkee Community College to discuss a number of items including funding allocations for maintenance works and its inclusion as a Deis secondary school in the ongoing review.
  • Attended the January Clare County Council meeting

4th January

  • Met with West Clare MD SEO John O Malley, to discuss the parking issues at Doughmore beach, at both the beach car park and at the surfers entrance.
  • Received an update on a major fly tipping incident on the Cliff Road, Kilkee.
  • Dealt with the local area planner on a number of planning files.
  • Made enquiries with regards to the provision of the beach wheelchair in Kilkee off season.
  • Attended the January Corporate Policy Group meeting

27th October

  • Took part in an LCDC funding sub-committee assessing allocation of funding for Social Enterprises
  • Guest speaker at a community energy webinar about the Kilkee Sustainable Energy Community

21st December

  • Christmas break…its been a really busy month, and a really busy year… time to hang up the boots until the 4th of January….looking forward to some downtime with friends and family.

20th December

  • attended the launch of the new marketing videos by Loop Head Tourism… amazing work and really showcases the peninsula in a responsible way.

17th December

  • Meeting with the stakeholder engagement officer for the ‘Simply Blue’ offshore wind farm company to discuss how the communities of West Clare can be brought to the table and involved in a better way.

16th December

  • As chair of the board of Kilkee Waterworld i had to meet with AIB regarding restructuring of finances.
  • Discussion with local area planner regarding a number of planning files/representations.
  • Attended a briefing on the new expenses system for local elected members. Transparency has always been incredibly important, and especially around expenses, i have always only claimed vouched expenses since taking office.

14th December

  • Attended a briefing on the Failte Ireland Platforms for Growth project in Kilkee
  • Regional Health Forum Committee meeting
  • Lodged planning submission supporting the local residents for the Slievacurry Windfarm

13th December

  • Met with John Aston with regards to the Loop Head Together development strategy
  • Took part in a Zoom meeting with staff from the Munster TechnologicalUniversity with regards to the development of a new MA in Regenerative Tourism.
  • Got a briefing on housing in Clare from our housing section
  • Attended the December plenary meeting of Clare County Council where i brought a NOM on the impact of short term lets on the housing situation in Clare.
  • Prepared questions for the upcoming Regional Health Forum meeting.

11th December

  • Met with a group of concerned community members in Slievacurry, Mount Callan, with regards to the proposed development of a wind farm in their backyards…agreed to make a submission on their behalf.

10th December

  • As Cathaoirleach of the West Clare MD I presented the gifts to local community members at the Clare County Council ‘Gifting’ event…where individuals and organisations were recognised by the council for their extraordinary work during the year.
  • Met with the West Clare MD SEO, John O Malley to discuss a number of projects in West Clare.

8th December

  • Met with the consultants preparing the feasibility study for the future development of Colaiste Ui Chomhraidh in Carrigaholt.

6th December

  • Met with West Clare Senior Executive Ofiicer John O Malley in Doonbeg to discuss a number of issues with regards to the village.
  • Did an interview with our local radio station Radio Corca Baiscinn.
  • Attended the Local Community Development Committee funding sub committee to discuss grant applications and scoring.
  • Discussion with the senior planner with regards to some local planning issues.
  • Met with the area supervisor to discuss a number of local roads issues.
  • Attended the December Corporate Policy Group meeting.

5th December

  • Attended the DeValera Day 40th Anniversary in Ennis which addressed by An Taoiseach Micheal Martin. Followed up with the official opening of the office of Cathal Crowe TD.

4th December

  • The annual ‘putting’ up of the Christmas lights in Kilkee… much fun had by all…as usual..:-)

3rd December

  • Prepared for and chaired board meeting of Kilkee Waterworld.

30th November

  • County Development Plan workshop to discuss solutions to critical issues raised by elected members
  • Attended the full council meeting to debate the draft County Development Plan 2022-2028. I was very happy, after many many meetings and some very robust debate with senior members of the forward planning section, to propose the approval of our draft county development plan to go on public display from Dec 10th. I don’t like all of it, but I like a lot of it.. Its important to say that while I’m happy to have it sent out to public consultation I’m not endorsing everything in it…We have been handcuffed in many areas by government strategic policy, and our forward planners have had to thread the way through the pathway we as councillors want our county to take, and the legal restrictions placed on us by national policy.

29th November

  • Interviewed on Clare Fm to discuss the budget meeting on Friday.

27th November

  • As Cathaoirleach of the West Clare MD i was delighted to be asked to attend the War of Independence commemoration in Kilrush.

26th November

  • Attended a meeting with my party colleagues to discuss the issues arising from the increase in commercial rates in the budget
  • A full council meeting to debate and pass the Clare County Council budget for 2022. The rates increase was a very divisive topic, and debate was ‘robust’ to say the least…however in my view, the correct decision was taken to pass the budget, albeit very reluctantly by many of us, and following a vote, (16 for – 10 against) to increase commercial rates by 3.8%. The cuts to services, especially housing, and the negative impact it would have had on our ambitions to create more vibrant places to live and visit was the critical factor for me. I agree wholeheartedly with the assertion that it was not the right time, but rates hadn’t been increased in Clare for 13 years, and in my view the timing argument was never not going to be made…costs of goods and services have increased for businesses, but they have also increased for the council too. over the 13 years that rates have remained static, inflation of 9% has taken a significant chunk out of the real spending power by the council.

23rd November

  • Attended (online) the November Regional Health Forum meeting. I brought a number issues to the table here, firstly i sought information regarding the reporting by National Ambulance Service staff about conditions they felt put themselves or their patients at risk. Second I sought updates on the status of critical staffing for diabetes patients in the Mid West Region.
  • Hosted an online meeting for all my party colleagues to discuss the upcoming budget and the proposal to raise the commercial ARV by 3.8%.

17th November

  • Attended (online) a Corporate Policy Group meeting with regards to the budget for 2022

16th November

  • Dealt with a number of local constituency matters
  • Spoke with our local area engineer about the proposed traffic routing at the pier in Kilkee

15th November

  • Dealt with an issue regarding housing adaptation grants for two local people
  • Followed up on a planning query with the senior planner

13th November

  • Attended the Mid West Simon Charity Ball as Cathaoirleach of the West Clare MD

12th November

  • Attended a full council workshop for the Draft County Development Plan 2022-2028
  • Dealt with a number of planning queries raised by local constituents
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