What I did this month


9th March 2022

  • LCDC funding sub committee meeting

8th March 2022

  • Briefed Kilkee Chamber of Commerce on the new branding proposal for Kilkee Gateway to the Ocean

7th March 2022

  • Meeting with regards to the development of a Kilkee Town Team
  • Dealt with a number issues raised by constituents
  • Attended the March Council meeting in Ennis where i brought a motion to chamber asking for a study into the impacts of short term lets on communities here in Clare… link to blog post here



5th March 2022

  • Attended a tour of the Primary Care Centre in Kilrush to see the facilities and get a better understanding of the services offered locally.

4th March 2022

  • Attended the Seafarers Conference on Off Shore Wind Developments at the National Maritime College of Ireland

3rd March 2022

  • Emailed a list of the below questions to TUSLA around concerns i have with regards to the long term sustainability of our social care workers;Can I be provided with a breakdown in tabular form of
    1. a) the annual turnover of social care and social work staff members in the ‘children in care’ teams in the mid west region for the years 2019/2020/2021
    2. b) the amount of social care and social work staff members that were out of work due to work related stress for the years 2019/2020/2021
    3. c) the amount of children that have been assigned between 1-5, 6-10, >10 social care and social work staff members since being brought under the responsibility of the “children in care” teams in the mid west region
    4. d) the median length of time in months that each child has had the same social care and social work staff member
  • Met with community groups in Quilty

2nd March 2022

  • Filled out paperwork for Kilkee Waterworld
  • Finally got to do some work on the house…!

1st March 2022

  • West Clare MD meeting

28th Feb 2022

  • Corporate Policy Group meeting
  • Discussion with the local engineer around slipper surface on the Cliff Walk

24th Feb 2022

  • Met with local supervisor to discuss a number of local jobs
  • Met with constituents to discuss the public submissions to the new County development Plan
  • Met with Senior staff and local engineers to discuss a solution to repair and improve the junction at Nolans Hill in Kilkee
  • Attended the final night of the Loop Head Energy Action Partners and University students as they presented their work to the community in Halls Eoin in Kilbaha
  • Met with Senior Executive Engineer and a company called Harp recyclables to discuss a circular economy solution for food waste

23rd Feb 2022

  • Attended the Rural Strategic Policy Committee meeting

22nd Feb 2022

  • Attended the Regional Health Forum meeting Galway where i raised the ongoing issues around ambulance waiting times. Follow up call with the acting head of the National Ambulance Service for the West to discuss teh need for a new modern ambulance centre in Kilrush
  • Attended the AGM of the Carrigaholt Development Association

19th Feb 2022

  • AILG training on personal and digital security for elected representatives

17th Feb 2022

  • Made representations on housing applications
  • Met with the commemoration committee with regards to a plaque in Kilkee

16th Feb 2022

  • Wedding anniversary…
  • Meeting with the brand development agency to discuss progress on the new Kilkee branding
  • Attended the LCDC meeting
  • Attended a number of briefings on the disposal of lands, and on the Ennistymon enhancement strategy

15th Feb 2022

  • Dealt with a number of planning queries
  • Met with some constituents who had queries around the upcoming County Development Plan consultation

15th December

  • Interview with Clare FM on the December notice of motion on the impact short terms lets are having in Clare. Link to the story in the Clare Champion here.
  • Got an update from TAP Creative on progress with the development of the Kilkee branding exercise.

11th Feb 2022


10th Feb 2022

  • Online meeting with Grow Remote to discuss possible remote retreats in Kilkee/Loop Head area
  • Met with board member of Kilkee Enterprise Development Co to discuss future plans around branding and merchandising, and management of teh Elliott Centre
  • Meeting with West Clare Rural and Community Development Officer to discuss wider projects taking place in the municipality

9th Feb 2022

  • Attended a Loop Head Tourism board meeting to get an understanding of what  is happening on the peninsula
  • Attended an online webinar on visitor strategies for future generations

9th December

  • Attended an online presentation by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on the development of the new Local Economic & Community Plan for Clare
  • Collected my son, who we hadn’t seen for two years, from the airport….:-)

8th Feb 2022

  • Met with Senior Executive Engineer and a constituent with regards to the provision of electric vehicle charging points
  • Attended the County Development Plan public consultation workshop in Kilmihil

7th Feb 2022

  • Attended February Corporate Policy Group meeting
  • Dealt with a number of constituents issues

3rd Feb 2022

  • Chaired board meeting of Kilkee Waterworld

1st Feb 2022

  • Completed a number of grant applications on behalf of local community groups

31st January

  • Met onsite in Kilkee with SEE with regards to locations for EV charging points.
  • Dealt with a number constituent issues around housing, planning and trying to locate a site for a new business.

29th January

  • Took part in the Pyrite Action Group protest walk in Ennis, harrowing stories from the whose homes are affected.

27th January

  • Remainder of the January West Clare MD meeting, it was adjourned after time had run out at the last meeting.

26th January

  • Attended a Rural Strategic Policy Committee meeting with regards to the County Development Plan and the impact on rural Clare

20th January

  • Discussion with area engineer with regards to wheelchair access at Kilkee, the completion of fencing works at Whitestrand Doonbeg and the pump station in Kilkee
  • Made a submission to Clare Co Co Planning section with regards to the proposed development of a caravan park on a site at the Bog Road. Wrong development, in the wrong place and totally at odds with the sustainable development of our community.
  • Had a discussion with the West Clare SEO wit regards to stand alone recycling units for plastic and glass bottles.
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