• Clare FM interview on the lack of facilities at Seafield Pier and beach
  • Chaired the adjourned July meeting of the West Clare MD where i had three notice of motions tabled. See below for NOMs and responses
    1. Notice of Motion from Cllr. Cillian Murphy:

    That low-cost speed measures be put in place in Doonaha village.

    Reply from Alan Kenneally, Senior Executive Engineer, West Clare MD:

    In the short term, Clare County Council will place some “SLOW” road markings on the L-2006 near Doonaha. We can also place some advance warning signs (compliant with the traffic signs manual) if safe locations can be found.

    Subject to funding becoming available, it may be possible to erect 2 Driver Feedback Signs in Doonaha. Again, subject to funding becoming available, it may be possible at a future date to construct additional footpaths in the village. This would narrow the carriageway width through the village and would serve as a traffic calming measure.

    1. Notice of Motion from Cllr. Cillian Murphy:

    That view points be included as part of the Climate Adaptation and Resilience Works Allocations 2021 on the R473 at Erribul and at Aillroe.

    Reply from Alan Kenneally, Senior Executive Engineer, West Clare MD:

    Clare County Council successfully applied to the Department of Transport’s “Climate Adaptation and Resilience Works 2021” grant scheme, and has received funding to raise the protective estuary wall at Erribul (approximately 200 linear metres) & Aillroe (approximately 150 linear metres). The works are necessary as the estuary waters regularly flood the R473 at both locations and raising the estuary wall locally will alleviate this.

    Clare County Council did not apply to the grant scheme for monies to create a viewing point at either or both locations. However, the feasibility of a viewing point may be examined (subject to traffic safety considerations on a busy regional road). Subject to funding and assuming that it is possible to provide a safe viewpoint along the R473, then Clare County Council can look at gaining the necessary planning and environmental consents for a viewing point overlooking the Shannon Estuary.

    1. Notice of Motion from Cllr. Cillian Murphy:

    An assessment of the footpaths in Carrigaholt Village with a view to either making an active travel funding application, or inclusion in a multi annual program of upgrade works.

    Reply from Alan Kenneally, Senior Executive Engineer, West Clare MD:

    Clare County Council successfully applied to the National Transport Authority’s “Active Travel 2021” grant scheme, and has received funding to replace footpaths in Carrigaholt village. We have been granted €10,000 for Carrigaholt village in 2021, and footpath works should be completed this year.

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